What I have learnt as an Escort

It all begins with curiosity: a desire to succumb. Finally, you are here.

A Companion in the truest sense of the word, I have found deep comfort in my life as one of London’s top busty curvy all natural BBW escorts.
I’ve been privileged to share experiences with some of the world’s most fascinating, inspiring and enchanting creatures.

These people have given me a few insights into life on this Earth and here is where I would like to share some of those with you:

  • Being successful doesn’t bring happiness but happiness does indeed bring success

In those personal spaces, where time is a gift, I have been allowed access to people’s inner workings. True in all senses, to chase success is to miss the point in living. Whereas to seek happiness, is to honour ourselves and makes us a magnet for all of that good stuff in life. Indulge my loves, for life is short.

So yes, book your favourite escort. Take yourself on that adventure. Eat the cake.

“Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful” Albert Schweitzer

  • Spontaneity, optimism and playful curiosity luxuriate and fulfil us

Some of the most glorious moments have been spent in the company of those who seize life in the moment. They see what they want and they go for it. Be that a weekend trip away with the girl of their dreams, an exploration into new past times or a confidence to plunge into something entirely new and out of the comfort zone. Perhaps I can assist with making some suggestions…

  • Generosity begets Generosity

My lovers have shown generosity in a great many ways. They create an environment where generosity of spirit flows in abundance between us. Some of the most magical, sexy, delicious of trysts can be attributed to this thought. If wondering ‘How to book an escort?’ Keeping this in mind will go a long way towards making sure you have an intoxicating and unforgettable experience.

“Love is the desire for another’s happiness.” ― Marty Rubin

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